'When Sophie Gets Angry- Really, Really Angry...'

Salas de 4/K4

When Sophie Gets Angry- Really, Really Angry...

Hello K4! Hello Families! Let's welcome...

Today we are going to listen to a story! We will work with it tomorrow, 
we hope you enjoy it... 
here it goes...
(Hola familias de K4, hoy vamos a escuchar una historia con la cual trabajaremos mañana, esperamos que les guste, aquí está..)

For tomorrows meet you will need a WHITE sheet of paper and a crayon, pencil, marker or paint of the colour RED...

(Para la meet de mañana necesitaremos tener una hoja blanca y un crayón, lápiz o marcador de color ROJO)

BYE BYE Birdies....
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow...

Ms Sol & Ms Sol
